Chaos is a natural state of being. It is one from which creativity flows. It is not about destruction, for chaos comes after destruction. It is about having completely dismantled what was, so that evidence of it no longer exists. Now, it is possible to build without regard for old rules and expectations. If laws no longer exist, you then are creating in all new ways, in innovative ways, from your intuition.
In chaos you can no longer see how the old pieces fit together, for the pieces themselves have been annihilated. You decide what is a piece and where it belongs. You are now fully the Creator.
If you are feeling the world around and/or within you dissolving into chaos, it means you are being given complete power to create - to decide what you envision and how you are going to fashion that. Ask yourself: How will it exist for you? How will it serve your self-expression? How will the experience of creation be for you? Without chaos you are always bound in some way to conformity, to rules and laws. Within chaos you write the laws with abandon, spontaneity, curiosity, and faith in yourself.
If you feel chaos within, give it space and do not attempt to conform it to a system or even understand it. When you attempt to understand something, this then implies that there is something within you that isn’t grasping the reality and possibilities that exist within the chaos. You are not utilizing what chaos is offering you but instead are attempting to align it to what was. Your understanding limits you to what you have already experienced and to old rules and paradigms. Chaos asks, what's next beyond the limits?
In chaos, there is no need to understand, in fact, it is impossible to do so just by definition of what chaos is. Chaos brings forth intuition and pure creativity. Creativity dreams, not with logic but with spirit. Creativity isn’t measured against something else. Pure creativity is innocent and playful. Creativity serves no other purpose than to be in the process of forming something new with the spirit of spontaneity.
Ah… we see that you are integrating and are now curious about this idea of creativity without purpose. You are a purpose-driven person. Freedom comes from removing yourself from feeling that you need to be of value and contributing. Perhaps chaos can bring you some relief from this driven self you have been living as for so long. You are releasing the constraints and this action brings you into chaos because you do not know how to be in this way. You don’t and can’t know what to expect in chaos. Chaos is being completely in the flow. You have been building dams and canals and trying to control and understand the flow and be within it in a certain structured way (so that you offer purpose and value), but in doing so have been keeping yourself outside of flow and therefore separate from your creative self.
Be one with chaos. Embrace it. Move within it. And watch with joy what comes from you and to you within this completely free space!
A Channeled Message from The Council
July 28, 2024