Readings, Channelings
& Healing
Holistic Energy Healing | Channeled Guidance ⎸Readings

Holistic Reiki Energy Session
My Holistic Reiki Healing Sessions surround you in a space of love, peace, and spirit while clearing and re-aligning your physical, mental, emotional, and auric bodies. Aligning through love allows you to bring peace to your being. The session focuses on balancing and shifting energy to bring you to your highest and best.
Each 45-minute session is individualized to include a unique combination of modalities where Reiki is combined with crystal grids, aromatherapy, and sound healing.

Holistic Reiki Energy Session & Reading
My Holistic Reiki Energy Sessions surround you in a space of love, peace, and spirit while clearing and re-aligning your physical, mental, emotional, and auric bodies. Aligning through love allows you to bring peace to your being. The session focuses on balancing and shifting energy to bring you to your highest and best.
Each 60-minute session is individualized to include a unique combination of modalities where Reiki is combined with crystal grids, aromatherapy, and sound healing, and includes a personalized reading of messages that come through during the healing session.

New Service
Soul Journey Channeled Guidance
My Soul Journey Channeled Messages brings through guidance from your spirit family who speak to where you are in the present moment. In these readings, spirit offers not only messages but also healing and tools to help you on your journey. You will receive an audio file of the channeling, along with whatever tools Spirit adds to help you. Previous readings have brought through, for example, personalized guided meditations, crystal grids, sacred geometry to work with, oracle card guidance, and spiritual meanings of physical symptoms. Each powerful reading is unique to you, and many have found themselves deeply resonating with the messages, uplifted and connected with their spiritual family, and supported through whatever growth experiences they are currently working with.

Soul Chart Reading: You & Your Birth Chart
This is a perfect reading if you are interested in receiving an overview and introduction to your astrological birth chart. In this one-hour consultation we will explore all 12 houses of your astrological birth chart covering: your identity, your relationships, your relationship to groups & society, your values, your abilities, your work, your soul wounds and soul growth, and more. You will have the opportunity to ask 2-3 questions or areas of your life you'd like highlighted.

Soul Chart Reading: The Coming Year
Would you like to see what this new year holds for you? Each year brings new energetic interactions in your chart, some of them lasting over several years, others passing within a few months, yet all have an impact on your life. This one-hour reading of your solar return chart (best done on or around your birthday) will give you insight into what energies are impacting your life and in what areas.

Your Akashic Life Story & Spiritual Journey Guidance
Receive a Zoom recording of the story of what your birth chart says about you for this lifetime from your soul's perspective accompanied with channeled guidance from spirit for you at this time in your life. Your soul used this to chart your journey through this lifetime. This reading touches upon:
your core personality,
your life's purpose,
your soul wounds & healing journey in this lifetime,
your relationships,
your gifts and
your challenges.
Each reading also includes an intuitive reading for you based on what I am shown for you at this time in your life in the form of a clairvoyant representation, an energetic reading, and/or guidance from spirit on how to connect with your potential and path. Each message is unique to the receipient and offers tools, methods and practical guidance to help you on your soul path at this moment in your life.